Here we go again
It’s that time again. The time when I opine about what I was going to do with this site, what I haven’t done, and what I should be doing in the future.
It’s all very disappointing, frankly, since I’d promised myself to do a lot more writing, and I did. The problem is, I started loads of stuff and never finished it.
I’ve been doing some housekeeping in my writing tool of choice, Ulysses, and there are no less than 30 draft posts languishing in a sorry state of repair.
I know why some of it was never finished: last year for a very difficult year for me personally. I learned more about myself in one year than I did in, at the very least, the preceding decade.
Some of it might actually be interesting or useful for other people, so I’m going to fix it, but first I need to finish that housekeeping.
In the meantime, I finally got around to fixing some of the bits of this site that were really annoying me. As minimal as the site is, it had some baggage that was bothering me, and there’s no doubt more to sort out.